Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I could do this every day

Today was my first ultrasound and it couldn't have come soon enough. I had my first real panic attack last night to the point that I actually pulled out a POAS!

Yesterday morning when I was getting dressed I noticed that I was spilling over the top of my bra (Hubby loved this, by the way). But when I got home last night the girls were snugly back in place with no spillage. This sent me into panic mode and I started analyzing every symptom or lack of symptom I was having. Why are my boobs not as big as before? Why don't they hurt as much? Why does my back hurt? Why am I not as tired as I was last week? It drove me nuts to the point that I woke up at 4:15am and never went back to sleep. All my tossing and turning woke Hubby up. When I told him what was wrong he reached over, did a quick size check on the girls and told me I was being ridiculous. And of course I knew I was, because I had no REAL reason to think anything was wrong. I wasn't spotting or having any severe cramps.

Anyway, I was still a basket case until I was on the table in the Doc's office for my ultrasound. Once I saw the tiny little dark spot on the screen I immediately relaxed. We were able to see the gestational sac and one yolk sac (although he said there was a slim chance there could be another one in there). My numbers came back right on track - 10,082 hcg and 40 progesterone. So despite all my worrying, my little WooWoo (the nickname is a long story for another post) is doing just fine:)

There are still a few annoying cysts hanging out on the right ovary so my attempt at starting this pregnancy off on a healthy track is being sidelined. The Doc said no more running until the cysts are gone. I wasn't going crazy with the exercise, but I love cold weather running so I've been out a couple times a week. It looks like I might need to learn to love cold weather walking instead, at least for a little while.

I must say, a girl could get used to weekly ultrasounds - it's definitely a good way to calm the nerves. I go again next Tuesday when we'll hopefully hear the heartbeat, and I can't wait!! In the meantime, I'm really going to make a concerted effort to not over analyze everything and remain calm. We'll see how well that works...


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, sweet relief! SO HAPPY FOR YOU! (I had no doubt it would be a perfect appt.)

    And we're like twins. At my first u/s there was a "maybe" spot that turned out to be Baby B. And I also was rocking some big mama cysties, especially on the right ovary. They were not too painful, just freaky. They seemed to go away by about 9 weeks, my OB never even mentioned them when checking my ovaries on u/s.

    Yip yip YIP!!!!!! xoxo

  2. I am so happy for you!! Never had a doubt that you and the babe would get great news today. Big sigh of relief for you I know. Whew. :)
