Saturday, August 27, 2011

A quick update

This will be quick because we have a lot going on right now, but I need to write some things down - if nothing else than to try and maintain my emotional sanity.

Will (screw the anonymity, my sweet baby boy's name is Will!), went for his newborn doc appt on Thursday afternoon. Everything looked good except for the slight jaundice hue he had. The doc (Dr. L. - thanks Sienna...LOVE him!) did a bilirubin test and called us about 10pm to tell us his numbers were too high and we needed to take Will to the ER immediately for evaluation and treatment.

That wasn't a totally nerve wracking call or anything! Thankfully Hubby answered the phone and was able to talk to the doc, I would have been in tears.

So, we packed up Will and took our first NYC cab ride to Corn.ell ER. After lots of tests and waiting he was admitted to the NICU around 2:30am. I couldn't stop crying the entire time we were in the ER. How the hell was I supposed to leave my 4 day old baby?!?! I'm crying as I type this. These postpartum hormones are NO JOKE!

Walking out of the hospital at 3am with my son was the hardest thing I've had to do. Even harder than losing my mom...but thankfully I knew my mom and dad (who Will is named after) were going to watch over him and take care of him.

Anyway, my short post is getting long here...

I spent all day with him yesterday, feeding him (he's breastfeeding but my milk production is really low so we're supplementing with lots of formula to get him rehydrated and gaining weight), cuddling him, changing his numerous poopy diapers and watching him pee on his own head (oops, gotta remember to keep that little weewee covered during the diaper changes). The morning test results were good and they thought he would be released last such luck. The afternoon test results were the same as the morning results, as opposed to being better as they should have been.

So, yet again Hubby and I walked out of the ER without our baby boy. I was able to get a little sleep last night, but I'm up every 3 hours pumping in the hopes that will help increase my milk production, so it wasn't a consistent sleep.

We decided to hold off on the baby nurse even before Will was sent to the hospital because we wanted to try and figure a few things out on our own. As of now, she's schedule to be here Monday morning. But who knows if that will happen because of Hurricane Irene.

Speaking of that bitch, Hubby went out yesterday to stock up on supplies, not so much for the hurricane itself, but in preparation of losing electricity for a long time. It's not something I'm looking forward to, but leaving the city isn't an option right now and we've done what we can to prepare. Now we just sit and hope she changes her course enough not to take a direct hit on NYC.

My emotions have run the gamut this week from elation, joy, over-the-moon-love to lots of anxiety, fear, overwhelming urges to cry and everything in between. I know it's all normal, but having gone through an unexpected early labor, an earthquake while in the hospital (yes, I felt it), hospitalizing my 4 day old son and now potentially living through a hurricane - all within the last 6 days - is a little trying on the system.

So, I'm waiting for shift change at the hospital to call and see what Will's numbers were in the middle of the night. They'll do a repeat test at 9am this morning to compare and see if they've dropped. If so, we'll hopefully take him home today. If not...I don't know...which is what scares me to the most.


  1. You poor thing. Sounds like a super tough last few days. Fingers crossed for will's numbers to come down ASAP so that you can take him home! Just saw the picture of your cutiepie in the last post. Adorable! Hang in there. There must be w full moon or something going on. Earthquake and hurricane in NYC in one week. Weird. Hugs.

  2. Oh no!! Won't they let you stay in the hospital? I heard that some places have pods for parents. Oh, and with the dreaded Irene on its way. You have been through so much. Many hugs to you!

  3. I just got caught up on your news! First of all congratulations- Will is perfect.
    So sorry that he is having bili issues- my little guy is also in the NICU and has been for 8 days now. It is so hard to leave him...and I cry each and every time i have to go home. It is unnatural to leave your baby. I hope that his bili will decrease soon, so you can get him home.
    Sounds like you have had a rather stressful week- when it rains it pours. Hopefully things will settle down and you will just be able to enjoy your adorable baby.

  4. Oh honey, I'm so sorry! I'm sure Will will be fine, but it must be utterly heartbreaking to leave him every night. And with this outrageously crazy week we're having? Oh my gosh. It's just got to be up from here.

    Thinking of you. Stay safe in the hurricane, and I hope you get to take Will home asap.

  5. What a rough week you've had. But Will is here! Hope you get him home and that you don't lose power. At least the hospital isn't in the evacuation zone.

  6. Oh no!! Oh sweetheart, my thoughts are with you, your Hubby and your darling Will. (((((Huge hugs)))))) What a first week of life he is having!
