Somewhere in the craziness of my life I think I forgot to do a 6-month blog post. I swear I had one written in my head, but it never made it to my computer. Ah well, such is my life these days. And because things are so crazy, this is going to be bullet points—again.
• Will turned 7-months old yesterday (Really? Where the hell has the time gone?). We weighed him and measured him at home since he doesn't go back to the doctor until 9-months. He was around 18lbs. 12oz. and 27.5" long. He definitely has some chub on him now. His thighs are simply edible!
• He has 4 teeth now. The bottom two came in a while ago, but the top two poked through this past week while I was out of town (girls weekend in Costa Rica—more on that shortly). Let me tell you, these chompers are sharp! I can no longer put my finger near his mouth. With his obsession with chewing on everything and the sharp teeth, I'm in serious danger of losing a finger.
• I think we may have finally lost the swaddle for good. He's been napping unswaddled for a couple weeks, but the last 4 nights have been unswaddled as well. The key? The boy likes to sleep on his tummy. He still refuses to roll from tummy to back but has mastered the back to tummy. In the past he would roll onto his tummy and then get frustrated because he couldn't roll back which would keep him awake. I guess he finally decided to try sleeping on his tummy and decided he liked it. So we now have a tummy sleeper who goes without his swaddle!
• Will has mastered sitting up and occasionally tries to scoot backwards when he's on his tummy. I'm not ready for mobility yet. I'd prefer he stays in the sitting-up stage for a little while longer. He looks like such a big boy when he sits up!
• He's a great eater. We've tried lots of fruits and veggies and some of his favorites are sweet potatoes, butternut squash, cantaloupe, mango and zucchini. He definitely did not like peas and surprisingly wasn't a big fan of apples. I've tried to let him feed pieces of banana to himself but he isn't too interested in that, yet. He is getting better at holding his own bottle, though. Correction, he's getting better at holding the bottle and actually getting the formula out of it. He's been able to hold it for a while, but never really understood he needed to lift it up to get anything. I think he's starting to realize that now.
• Will has always been a very happy, smiley baby at home. But the minute we would walk out the door he turned into Mr. Serious. Over the last week he's starting to come out of his shell. He'll smile and flirt with the ladies in the park or in the store, but still clams up with the doormen to our building. I guess I have a ladies man on my hands.
• We took him to the park a couple weeks ago to see if he liked the swings. Like most things in his life, he was indifferent at first, but after the third time he really started to love them. So much so, he cried when I had to take him out to head home for a nap.
• I spent my first night away from Will. When I was 8-months pregnant and waddling around in 90-degree July heat, a friend asked me if I wanted to go away on a girls weekend to Costa Rica (she'd found an amazing deal!). I figured Will would be 7-months old so it would be OK. Well, I went on the trip and Will was OK, but I missed my baby so much more than I ever thought I would. I definitely needed the break and the rest (working 65+ hour weeks for the past month and starting triathlon training again has been draining) but I would have been happier at home. The trip did make me realize that I need to take/make some time for myself.
• Grandma (my mother-in-law) came to help Hubby while I was out of town. She had such a great time with Will that she suggested Hubby and I take a long weekend for our 5-year anniversary this summer and her and Grandpa would come into town and stay with Will. Hubby wasted no time and booked a long weekend to Rio de Janiero for the end of June. Because we'll only be one time zone away and we're taking overnight flights we are able to maximize our time in Rio without being away from Will for too long.
• As excited as I am for our anniversary trip, I'm also feeling guilty for leaving Will. Before Hubby and I had kids we had agreed to find a good balance between "our" time and "family" time when we did have a family. I know this is an important part of that balance, but it's so hard to leave my baby. I feel like I miss so much when I'm away from him for more than a couple hours at a time. That boy has consumed my love, my heart and my life in a way I never imagined!
It's so difficult to get a non-blurry picture because this boy just | won't sit still! |